Everywhere I go, whether it be Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, or small towns in between, almost invariably, a family shows up with silhouettes that my grandfather or I made of another family member from long ago. I usually see the grandparents standing there from the corner of my eye, old silhouettes in hand, waiting patiently for their appointment.
These folks are so excited to see me, and their excitement spills over to younger family members who are also in attendance, waiting for me to cut out the “latest addition” to their Rice silhouette collection. To me, this one-of-a-kind experience between my family and theirs, and is truly moving. It is an experience that no other silhouette artist working today can create for them, and the importance of this connection is indescribable.
To think that they pulled the old silhouette of grandmother, or their father’s silhouette that was cut out in 1932, or 1955, or 1983, or some other moment in the endless hourglass of time, from that place of honor on their wall, and drove, in some cases many hours to see me, warms my heart, and is at the heart of what I do. It is what keeps me going.
This connection of my family and theirs weaves an historical tapestry that encompasses many generations, inspires love of family, and ensures that the importance of family is instilled in the little ones to pass on to future generations.
So thanks to each and every one of you, who have collected our work over the years, and to the young parents who are just beginning their collection of our silhouettes. You are so important to me, and the reason that I do what I do.